Sunday, May 1, 2011

Blocks, ducks, recycling....

 Last week was back to normal:  Tyler and Papa having to put up with Nana taking pictures!  A lot!  He's growing so much!  He loves to play with his blocks.  Well, he loves for Papa to build a tower with them and then knock it over!

 He must be too busy eating the red one to think about knocking the blue tower down!  He eventually did!

 Watching Jonah sitting on Papa's version of a chair-a thermarest cushion in a backjack!  Quite comfortable and Tyler likes it too!  He's clapping!
He likes to chew on a frozen washcloth, so every day Mama and Papa take turns making sure there are at least a couple in the freezer!  It feels good on his teeth and gums!

 Every morning Papa takes Tyler to feed the ducks, either in the stroller, or on the bike.  Last week we took him in the stroller.  He watches them as we throw the bread or tortillas to them and sometimes throws it to them himself!  He's watching us do it in this picture!
And then we found a mama duck guarding her eggs!  She didn't care for us coming so close!  She hissed, loudly!

Sticking close to Papa or taking the recycling back out of the bin, either way, he's always busy!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spending the night(s) with Papa and Nana

Well, this week was a rough one for Tyler and Emily!  Emily was sick, so we kept Tyler at our apartment from Wednesday through Friday!  Initially he was most interested in Papa's shake!

But once inside, he did ok, playing with tupperware and roaming around checking everything out!This is a pic I borrowed from Emily; Tyler loves to chase Papa and the vac!  Never a dull moment with a toddler!  Off to new adventures this week, with everyone staying healthy, we hope!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

He's such a ham!  When you can catch him, he has the cutest expressions !     And he LOVES Veggie Tales!  Especially the ones with really cool music in them!   I think Jonah has to be his favorite!                        

He also loves to swing!  Papa takes him on a bike ride every day and goes to the playground near their neighborhood and puts him in the swing.  As long as Papa pushes the swing, Tyler is happy!  He was barely able to get this picture and then Tyler wanted to swing!!! 

"I want this foot, no that one, no both of them!"

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I like to ride my bicycle, bicycle!

Still loving bike riding!  He likes it when Nana rides next to he and Papa so he can watch my wheels go round and round!  He also started "talking" when we go bike riding.  He loves to hear his voice when we go over bumps, it makes that uhuhuhuh sound, like he's vibrating!
"C'mon, Nana, let's go!"
Papa and Tyler went on a ride Friday, while I was at work and stopped at the park.  Papa said Tyler only liked the swing for a few minutes, but he looks happy here!  He likes to be moving, so if he's not walking, swinging, or going on the bike, he gets restless!  So blessed with such a happy little grandson!

Tyler dancing to Dr. Jiggle and Mr. Sly